eNewsletter March 28, 2017
Hold Your Ground
Land and Water is excited to announce our new eNewsletter name, “Hold Your Ground”! The eNewsletter will include the same information you've relied on relating to the erosion control and water management industry such as: feature stories, industry news, conferences, expert tips and video clips, new products and more. With today’s fast paced world, we strive to keep you, our reader, up-to-date on all current happenings and relevant information, beyond the pages of Land and Water Magazine. Happy reading!
- Land and Water Announces Their Final Issue
- 2017 Ohio Stormwater Conference
- Award Winners Showcase the best in Geosynthetics Installation
- EPA Awards $3.3 Million in Wetlands Grants
- GSE Environmental Introduces the Next Generation of Capping Systems
- SOLitude Lake Management Expands Presence in Georgia and Texas
Land and Water • Volume 61, Number 2 March/April 2017
Cover Story
The Farewell cover features all reader submitted photos. Top left: Bea Aamodt, P.E., Public Works Director, City of Bixby, OK. Top right: Sarah Lindquist, Stormwater Maintenance & Consulting. Bottom left: submitted by Nora Schell, taken by Mark Chapman. Bottom right: Tom Tetreau, Project Scientist, Stantec.
THANK YOU to all our readers who submitted photos!
Industry Impact
L&W's Industry Impact On Slope Stabilization and Revegetation,
L&W's Industry Impact On Erosion & Sediment Control,
Double-Lined Surface Impoundment: Preserving Our Precious Groundwater, An HDPE composite lining system with leak detection layer was specified for a new, 8-acre brine storage lagoon. This lagoon would complement the adjacent facility's operation to evaporate brine wastewater from Cargill's hyde curing system.
Revegetating Challenging Sites, When it comes to development, the saying that "the good ground is gone" also holds true for the revegetation process as well. Final site stabilization is becoming more difficult, while even more essential than permit termination, owner satisfaction, and the project's bottom line.
Stormwater Management
Going the Distance Along Dover's Berry Brook, A model for collaboration on how to improve water quality in an urban watershed, using LID and Green Infrastructure retrofits, stream restoration, community outreach, persistence and ingenuity.
Streambank Stabilization
Black Brook Takes a Challenging New Route, Expansion plans at Seneca Meadows Landfill required Black Brook to be realigned, the landfill saw an opportunity to reunite it with its natural flood plain.
Low Impact Development
Simple Basin Retrofit Aids the Restoration of Barnegat Bay, Funding was awarded to improve stormwater management within the Long Swamp Creek and Lower Toms River watersheds where there was a history of poor infiltration that often led to flooding.
Soil Reinforcement
Geocells Keep Mexico City's New Airport from Sinking, The challenge of how to build one of the world's most ambitious airports on unstable, saturated and sinking soil, required the use of a three-dimensional, honeycomb-structured geocell.
Habitat Restoration
Restoration of a Coastal Freshwater Pond, The property owner of the Mickill Pond system sought to develop a project to control invasive plant growth, restore open water, and increase a diverse native plant assemblage.
Slope Stabilization
Long Term Monitoring of Biotechnical Slope Stabilization Below Public Highway, After two debris slide events, biotechnical slope stabilization techniques were used to help stabilize the surface soil layer of the Walker's Landing Road site.
Lakes & Ponds
Algae Control in Lakes & Ponds - Case Study: Turnberry Lakes, With a greater awareness or appreciation of 'natural' or 'sustainable' management methods in a variety of applications, there has been a dearth of claims that use of enzymes and bacteria and/or aeration of a lake or pond will control unwanted algae growth.
Association Update
Minnesota Seeding Contractors, The Minnesota Seeding Contractors organization was established to provide a public forum for open discussion by contractors, material suppliers and professionals involved in the seeding industry.
Buyers Guide
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Land and Water is published for contractors, landscape architects, consultants and engineers, government officials and those all those individuals involved in natural resource management and restoration, from idea stage through project completion and maintenance. We help our readers gain access to this market by publishing job-site stories, case histories, and the information on the latest developments in the industry. Published bimonthly by:
Land and Water, Inc.
320 A. Street
Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Phone: (515) 576-3191