Volume 43, Number 6 November/December 1999
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- Canals Maintained in Cape Coral, Florida
pg. 18
Erosion & Sediment Control
- "No More Straw Bales, Please!"
, pg. 15 - Waterfront Armored Against Ohio River Flooding
pg. 16
- Protection from the Flooding in Flamingo Wash
, pg. 26
Habitat Restoration
- Habitat Restoration of a Colorado River Side-Channel
, pg. 38
- Hydroseeding Facts
pg. 44
Land Reclamation
- Special Teamwork Solves Enviromental Problems
, pg. 6 - Poffenbarger Abandoned Mind Land Reclamation Project
, pg. 12
Land Restoration
- Important Land Imprinting Specifications
, pg. 33
Prairie Restoration
- Prairie Restoration in Minnesota: What's Been Done and Plans for the Future
, pg. 9
Retaining Structures
- Gabions Save Shades Creek
, pg. 20
Sediment Control
- Keeping the Silt Out of Lake Mead
, pg. 19
Slope Stabilization
- Pace Properties Brings in the Reinforcements
pg. 35
Stormwater Management
- Reebok Preserves Natural Beauty of New Headquarters Site
, pg. 41
Streambank Stabilization
- Weller Creek Streambank Stabilization
pg. 28
Water Quality
- Passive and Effective Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage
, pg. 36
Wetland Restoration
- The Model Dairy Wetland Mitigation Project
, pg. 30
- Vegetation Management and Propogation in Constructed Wetlands
, pg. 22